Meli Perea presents “Entre Caminos”
13 de March de 2025

Aina Koda presents “Eclipsi”


Aina Koda is a rap group from the País Valencià, formed by Aina Nogueroles (vocals and lyrics) and Adam González (producer and DJ). Now, the singer is releasing a new single in collaboration with AllsTendres, titled Eclipse.

Aina Koda has established itself as one of the most prominent names in the emerging Valencian music scene. The project, which has already received several awards, has been recognized with the TresDeu Award for Best Musical Release and the Ovidi Award for Best New Artist. Additionally, it was one of the winning acts in the Sona9 music contest.

With a nonconformist spirit, their sound originates from rap but ventures into very different genres, creating a unique style. Aina Koda is part of this new wave of musicians who defy labels and can just as easily create protest lyrics as they can address everyday themes. In their case, they do so with a distinctive touch of humor—one of the elements that drives them to keep making music.

As for Eclipse, it is a mellow rap in which Aina Koda and AllsTendres express what they feel when they meet at Estació del Nord while waiting for the train, turning it into a metaphor for life: not taking every train that passes, waiting for a message, reuniting to travel together… The artists convey the idea that if we manage to move forward together in the same direction, things can work out despite the doubts that often overwhelm us.

Additionally, both artists have chosen to release the song to coincide with the eclipse on Friday, March 14, 2025.

Eclipse is now available on all platforms.