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LDS, Adala, Senyor Oca & Masta Quba join HIP HOP x PALESTINE


Hip Hop for Palestine promises to be a historic event in memory of music that doesn’t stay silent when we need it the most. Following the example of other initiatives driven by civil society and the cultural sector of the country, this urgent musical gathering is another grain of sand in the desert of solidarity with the Palestinian people’s struggle and against imperialist barbarism. In service to this noble cause and in the format of a musical evening, hip hop will hold a unique concert with the presence of prominent figures from the current rap world who will offer live performances as brief as they are powerful, in an uninterrupted format that will also include speeches, live mural painting, and a joint closure in line with the political commitment and artistic power of the participating projects. The participation of all the parties involved is in solidarity, and all the benefits generated will be directed to various initiatives that work day by day in the resistance of the Palestinian people.

Sunday, October 29, 2023
Sala Paral·lel 62 – Barcelona
Door opens: 6:00 PM
Event starts: 7:00 PM
Tickets available now at:
Prices starting from €15

Featuring musical performances by: Adala, Ana Tijoux, DJ Trapella & DJ Hochi (on beats), Elane, Hip Horns Brass Collective, Lágrimas de Sangre, Las Ninyas del Corro, Lia Kali, Lil Russia & Trusty, Los Chikos del Maíz, Masta Quba, Mus al Mur (live mural painting), Poor Tràmit, Sara Socas, Senyor Oca, Tribade, Valtònyc.

An event organized with the support of: Comunitat Palestina de Catalunya, Pallasos en Rebeldía, and Prou Complicitat.

In collaboration with: Propaganda pel Fet!, Paral·lel 62, No Callarem, Radio Raheem Records, Guspira, Say It Loud, and Que Soni.